Upward Frog Community Interest Company

Friday Focus
with Amie George

November 3 (Friday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes


Friday Focus is an ad hoc 90 minute class usually held on the first Friday evening of the month. They are an opportunity to go deeper into an area of practice.

It could be a particular pose, a theme, a part of the body, an aspect of yoga philosophy or a style of yoga. Or a combination!  These classes are quite informal and workshop-esque in their delivery.  

These classes are usually suitable from Beyond Beginners and upwards.  Full details will be provided in our newsletter for the specific class.

In this class you work somewhere between the pace of the Beyond Beginners and Level 1 classes.

You can use your membership, class pass or pay-as-you-go to attend Friday Focus.

2024 Friday Focus workshops:
⭐  Friday 5 January - Wide Leg Forward Bend / Prasarita - with ANNA NAGORSKA
⭐  Friday 2 February - Vinyasa Krama - with EMMA GARTSIDE
⭐  Friday 1 March - Downward Facing Dog - with AMIE GEORGE
⭐  Friday 5 April - Spring into Surya Namaskara- with PHILIPPA DESBOROUGH
⭐  Friday 3 May - Yoga for Managing Stress - with HELEN BUCKNALL-RYDER
⭐  Friday 7 June- TBC - with TBC
⭐  Friday 5 July - Bhujapidasana - with EMMA GARTSIDE
⭐  Friday 2 August - TBC - with TBC
⭐  Friday 6 September - Chaturanga Dandasana - with AMIE GEORGE
⭐  Friday 4 October - TBC - with TBC
⭐  Friday 1 November - Journey Through the Chakras - with CLAIRE MORGAN
⭐  Friday 6 December - TBC - with TBC


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
